Friday, May 30, 2008

SDM perminyakan Indonesia 'lari' ke luar negeri

Fenomena larinya SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) perminyakan Indonesia ke luar negeri semakin intens. Tidak hanya ke Timur Tengah, Malaysia, dan Brunei saja, tetapi juga ke Afrika Utara, Kanada, dan bahkan sampai Laut Utara. Perusahaan minyak Malaysia PETRONAS yang melesat jauh lebih maju tenimbang gurunya (Pertamina) banyak mempekerjakan tenaga dari Indonesia. Pertimbangan para SDM kita yang lari keluar tentu saja karena penghasilan dan jaminan kesejahteraan yang lebih menarik (baca: jauh lebih menarik) di luar sana. Sebagai contoh saja, kalau ke Qatar paling tidak bisa mendapatkan gaji awal bersih USD 7000 per bulan, belum termasuk benefit lain. Menurut yang saya amati, sampai dua tahun lalu kebanyakan SDM perminyakan yang lari ke luar negeri adalah para GGE (geophysist, geologist, dan engineer). Mereka inilah tenaga inti dalam suatu perusahaan minyak dimana ‘ruh’ teknologi perminyakan berada dalam diri mereka. Namun saat ini SDM perminyakan yang lari ke luar tidak hanya dari kelompok GGE, tetapi juga sudah mulai menular ke kelompok administratif seperti keuangan, audit, dan supply chain management.

Sampai saat ini saya belum tahu apakah sudah ada studi yang membahas fenomena migrasinya para tenaga perminyakan kita ke luar negeri. Beberapa pertanyaan timbul:

(1) Apakah larinya SDM kita keluar ada pengaruhnya terhadap terus menurunnya produksi minyak Indonesia dan terus menipisnya cadangan minyak Indonesia akibat tidak ada penemuan cadangan baru?

(2) Apakah larinya SDM ini ada pengaruhnya terhadap lambatnya penguasaan teknologi perminyakan bagi bangsa Indonesia?

(3) Apakah larinya SDM kita ada pengaruhnya terhadap meningkatnya biaya cost recovery karena bertambahnya pemakaian tenaga kerja asing dan import resources lainnya di Indonesia?

(4) Mengapa fenomena ini bisa terjadi? Apakah hanya semata-mata karena gaji di luar jauh lebih menjanjikan atau ada juga faktor-faktor lain yang salah di dalam negeri ini – terutama menyangkut situasi kerja di perusahaan-perusahaan migas (asing maupun lokal) yang ada di Indonesia.

(5) Apakah bagi Pemerintah Indonesia ini dianggap fenomena yang biasa-biasa saja? Sehingga sejauh ini tidak ada upaya apapun untuk mempertahankan SDM-nya agar betah membangun negeri sendiri.

Kalau memang dianggap ‘biasa-biasa’ saja dan dianggap tidak ada pengaruhnya, ya biarkan saja. Tetapi hati-hatilah dengan anggapan ‘biasa-biasa’ saja itu. Seperti yang sering kita jumpai dalam perjalanan bangsa ini, banyak kegagalan terjadi karena menganggap remeh sebuah fenomena saat fenomena tersebut baru muncul.


Anonymous said...

There are some reasons why more Indonesians do not want to serve their own country:

1. They do not owe any thing to the country.

2. The government never shows attention or appreciation to their hard work (no reward!).

3. The administration is complicated. There are many things are not well-documented.

4. Unless you are an exceptional skilled person or close to the decision makers (you say it), you will not be promoted to higher and "wet" position.

5. The salary is not competitive enough. I wonder how parents who work in governmental sector can send three kids to universities in the US, live in luxirious apartments, drive at least Ferrari. They must have a very good business such as business with their signatures!

6. On the top of that,there is no fair treatment in working athmosphere. This condition makes them so frustrated and leave.

I wonder why the government never concerns or bothers of losing their best human reasources. The government never makes a plan how to get more foreigners to the country (say to study in Indonesia). We probably have to look back in the history. There were a lot of foreigners came to Indonesia to learn "Budha" in the golden time of Sriwijaya period. Also, many Malaysians used to study engineering in Indonesia. How can we get back this good reputation? Why foreign countries are more attractive to Indonesian people now? What can we advertise and sell about good things of Indonesia?

Dendi Kartini, New York

Anonymous said...

why we should work for this country while this country doesn't appreciate our work?
I think Indonesian oil company should learn much from other oil and gas company in the other country

think about it, why indonesian petroleum engineer prefer to work in other country's oil and gas company
it's because they can get more from the company from other country

we know that people want to get the best in their life

so i prefer to work in chevron or slumbersea better than in pertamina

Anonymous said...

as far as i know why indonesian people likes to choose work in foreign country,it more because the live guarantee they can get from what they reach in there,esppecialy live warranty,not only the sallary,but the government in there give attention to what we called safety work policy,so the worker will works below a protection that make they fell safe to do their works,and the company will pay all the condition if the bad things happen,with compare cost about 1:4,and the company doesn't care about it,because human safe and human lives is first protocol that they keep,
different with indonesia that the company just think about the profit of the company itself,without paying attention to their workers safety and life warranty,because they know,that if a work accident hapen,the company must cost it and responsible by due the pay of the accident cost,and it really disadvantaging company,so a lot of workers realize,that they not feel safe again doing their works,and star to work with no spirit,because beside the sallary not big at all,the live warranty they dont get too
